This evening , when i was in the office. My boss asked me to call up to the police station to discharge a case which is already back dated errm .. let me see .. i guess its 3 YEARS ago! So .. being an employee have to follow what de boss says! I rang the Police headquarters in Penang.
As our conversation followed ...
Policewoman A : " Selamat petang , Balai Polis Timur Laut , Bolehkah saya membantu? "
( Translation : " Good evening , South East Police Station , can i help you? " )
Me : " Saya mewakili bos saya , Nama XXX dengan kad pengenalan XXX untuk discharge kes yang berlaku dalam tempoh 3 tahun lepas. "
( Translation : " I'm on behalf of my employer , Name XXX with the I/C xxx to discharge a 3 years ago case )
Policewoman A : " Ya tapi anda mesti mempunyai repot 3 tahun lepas! "
( Translation : " Yes , but we need to have the 3 Years ago report form! " )
Me : " Yah tapi , boss saya terhilang repot tu. Bolehkah cik bantu kita? Kita mempunyai Nama dan kad pengenalan supaya mempercepatkan proses tersebut. "
( Translation : " Yes but my employer lost the report. Can madam help us out? We have our ID to smoother the process )
Policewoman A : " Tuan , jikalau hilang pun , tuan mesti tahu sarjan yang mana tuan jumpa! "
( Translation : Sir , if you lose the report , you need to know which Sargent that handled your case )
Me : " Waaah dah 3 tahun lepas macam mana nak ingat sarjan mana dah jumpa! " Puan boleh membantu kita untuk " back trace " melalui komputer?
( Translation : Wow .. its been 3 years and we've forgotten which Sargent that we met. Can madam help us to backtrace via computer? )
Policewoman A : " Tuan , komputer kita tidak boleh " back trace ". Kita kena panggil orang untuk membuka stor belakang balai untuk cari balik repot 3 tahun lepas. Ini akan jadi susah untuk cari balik! "
( Translation : Sir , our computer unable to back trace those past records. We need to summon person-in-charge to open the storeroom to " manual back-trace " those 3 years ago report. It's hard for us to backtrace those past report! )
Me : " Ala macam tu tak apa lah .. terima kasih! "
( Translation : Aww its ok .. thank you! )
I hanged up the phone and felt that this policewoman doesn't familiar with the police computerization method of back trace or perhaps our royal police force need to take some serious action into their back-trace database system. This is totally out-of-date. Even our company account system can back-trace ( 5 years ago system ). The motto for our local royal police force was " MESRA , CEPAT dan BETUL " .. but however all seems bit irony to me -__-" * bad experience number 1 *
Ok .. after a long time of searching those past items in MY company storeroom .... finally after 4 hours long search .. we've found the report \-v-/ Hallelujah!! Thank god we found it. It was hidden in a blue Pandora box -__-"
Ok .. so finally i've got the Sargent In-Charge details ..
and AGAIN my conversation to the police station .. ( all in english now .. sorry abit lazy to translate )
Ring Ring ..... * Phone Rings *
Policeman A : " Hello , Good evening , South East Police Station , May i help you? "
Me : " Yes sir , im calling on behalf of my employer to talk with Sargent R! "
Policeman A : " Oh he has being transfered to Tg Tokong Police Station! "
Me : " So can i have the contact number over there? "
Policeman A : " Sure ... the number is XXX "
Me : " Thanks for your help! "
Policeman A : " You are most welcome! "
* Aww so nice thanks to the helpful police. So now i dialed another number which leads to the Tg Tokong Police Station *
Ring Ring .. * Phone Rings *
Policewoman B : " Hello , Tg Tokong Police Station , May I help you? "
Me : " Yes can i speak to Sargent R? "
Policewoman B : " Aww he has being transfered back to Criminal Commercial Department! "
Me : " Hey the South East Police Station person-in-charge said that he had transferred to here! "
Policewoman B : " Since when? He's being transferred quite sometime ago! "
Me : " Arrgh its ok thanks! " * Frustrated ... DAMN FREAKING frustrated *
I felt that i'm just like being played likea ping pong ball. Being thrown here and there. Back and forth. IM NOT A GAMEBOY OK!!!! AND IM NOT A BALL!!! Damn My boss just wanna DISCHARGE the case not as if he's going to charge someone! This is totally ridiculous! Their service for the community is lame. The government should have improve them. Ok .. Let's continue to my frustration in scene 3 then ... shall we?
Scene 3
Calling up again to the South East Police Station ...
Ring Ring * Phone Rings *
This time i speak first before they do * -10% toleration already *
Me : " May I speak to Sargent R? "
Policewoman C : " He's not in! He's On leave until tomorrow! "
Me : " I just want to discharge a case. I thought anyone could do it on his behalf eventhough he's away? "
Policewoman C : " Yes actually we could do it anywhere not only in this police station zone . You can just drop by to any police station nearby to you to discharge a case. All you need to do is to write an official letter to Our HQ regarding about your willingness to discharge a case without any third party interference and forcing. In Malay you should put up " MENARIK BALIK " instead of DISCHARGE. Please bring along your ID as well to smoother our process "
Me : " Ah..that's was a relieve. Thanks for your help! I'll be there a short while "
I think the local officers does not understand what is " DISCHARGE " means so without any realization and understanding , they would just throw you back and forth without any questioning! This is simply irrational ways of handling the community. Thanks for the last officer which understand what i've being trying to do -___-" * so lame *
Scene 4
So after those hard-ships , My boss and I plan to go to the HQ police station of South East to settle the problem. Inside the police station there were 2 policewoman. One handling a couple while another was just sitting there doing nothing. There were 2 computers to key-in and she asked us to wait and wait. Hey there's no good business in the station i still have to wait for half and hour! what the hell? We only want to discharge the case not to charge anyone or so on...
So we patiently waited and waited and waited ... until she realize we've been standing waiting for quite some time , she quickly asked us to sit and discharge our case. It takes about 5 minutes to settle it and this is awesome! ( the fastest service i ever had in the station )
They should be happy that one of the million cases has left their log book. It's being 3 years i guess they dont even follow up such a small case though! While handling our case , one of the officer ( the one pretend that we were invisible ) lied her chin on her hand while Q & A ( Question and Answer ) Her visual portrayed that she's being through whole day work and very tired looking. Hey you did not do the hardwork ok? Why are you so tired? Tired for questioning? Tired of typing? That shows a bad image on the police officers which shows their laziness and improper manner to the community. In our childhood mind , Police was the greatest icon in their life as they are the protector of the city and humankind! For such a small matter , It will destroy a childhood wonderful mind and made them think vise-versa. I wish that before our country reaches 2020 , Our government and Police Officers will take serious action in this matter.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Frustrated with Local Police Officer
Posted by
10:54 PM
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